An organization that I helped to start, along with several other academic types that are all much smarter than me, is having a fundraiser this week.
Briefly, the organization is called Red Pen Reviews and we compose standardized, in-depth reviews of popular nutrition books. Please check them out. I think you will appreciate them. We think they add quite a bit of value to the mainstream nutrition discourse.
These reviews take quite a bit of time and effort to research and develop, and we would like to be able to pay our reviewers a modest amount for all their time and energy.
With this current fundraising drive we are allowing our donors to choose which book we review next. Any donation made this week can be put toward reviewing one of ten of the most requested books:
- How Not to Diet, by Michael Greger
- The Art and Science of Low-Carbohydrate Living, by Jeff Volek and Stephen Phinney
- The Diabetes Code, by Jason Fung
- SuperLife, by Darin Olien
- Fat for Fuel, by Joseph Mercola
- The Ultimate Volumetrics Diet, by Barbara Rolls
- The Wahls Protocol, by Terry Wahls
- Eat to Live, by Joel Fuhrman
- Deep Nutrition, by Cate Shanahan
- The Carnivore Code, by Paul Saladino
Any text from this list that reaches $1,000 in donations will be reviewed. Most of that sum will go toward paying the reviewer, with a small amount going toward administrative stuff like payment processing fees, server fees to keep the website going, etc.
We recently achieved official 501(c)(3) status from the IRS so any contribution you make will be tax-deductible. Go here to donate. If you’re not in a position to donate right now, please share any review that you have found helpful with your friends, family, or on social media. Thanks.